Singh added that these ratings are something that players have an interest in, and NBA 2K MT Coins this creates an interest level between players and fans. This led into Kevin Durant's recent outrage over his overall rating and how it was lower than 99. "I'm sure you've seen KD's tweet as well," Singh said. "You know what's funny, Kevin and I Kevin are actually very close friends. Kevin is one of the four NBA players who were present at my wedding. So we texted literally in the evening before, but then the rating went up and then all of a sudden He was upset."
"Look, KD has been in the league 14 years, and he knows the game. It's not as if KD is angry about this, but I think he is trying to create discussion. This isn't a necessity since he's one the most talked about athletes around the globe, but I believe that his involvement in that discussion is a symbol of the fact that he is a huge fan of the game and the relationship that we have.
Just to be involved in something that isn't something he really cares about, but he knows the people who follow him care, which is super cool of him. I've more respect and admiration for the guy than nearly anyone I've met. ""I think that the NBA allows us so much chance to just scratch the surface. There's just so many storylines. If you consider the causes of social injustice and what we did to respond to that? We have a real world point of view that goes into our games about that," Singh said.
With an example from the game that incorporates his personal life, notably the wedding he is planning, Singh illuminated how NBA2K has integrated so many aspects of everyday life into their game. "That's the way we build our game, and I believe that our sport is superior to other, when it comes to how you really care about players in their game." Singh said.
The game's focus is on individuals, Singh said NBA2K wants its players to experience their lives like an NBA star in their sport. Continuously adding new features to allow this to take place, Singh said the game is able to change with an ever-changing NBA.
"I remember 2K11 that was the first time we put Jordan in the covers, I was thinking, 'How Buy MT 2K23 can we make it bigger that this?' We'd put a bunch of legends in The game's first edition, this Jordan challenge is amazing and the graphics are incredible, but the evolution of MyCareer is taking it to a whole new level.