Your we're moving through point by point guard on my way out and we have been for a thousand year sand with the right software and the right equipment you can go backend you can see what really happening and your what really happened that's what I'm saying that's why I'm writing you that's why I definitely don't want to talk to you online Cu I'm scared to death but I'm telling you can I meet you are you on electro home I me some double the lead role engineer fez is because that's the argument is that you can hear echoes on everything the route time and space and and and read energy feels like electric I L currents that have already passed through or radio telescopes I mean are you specifically working same for darpa in research have this to another looking at
Were noticing morning Maya professionals doctors nurses Tanus they're coming in with the integrated studies they're using it for themselves bringing it to their clients to their offices and they do practical you also have been going there and working with the actual what they're interested inseam doing an internship yet we have this great story where weave a tam clinic and Aizen Power Male Enhancement Diana that has been sending all their staff so they've been able so what classes through the catalog and they go back and they have a lunch n learn and those people that have taken those classes share with the other people.